What’s this offering all about?

We will have a total of 2 sessions together. I will create a personalized nourishment guide offering diet and herbal recommendations. In our first session (2 hours) I will ask a set of specific questions that will help me get to the root of what’s causing underlying imbalances. Before we begin I will lead us through a guided meditation so we can settle in and begin to listen deeply to what wants to come forward in the session. I blend a traditional Ayurvedic approach with my knowledge of the energetic body, the nervous system and folk herbalism. I also embrace an intuitive approach to suggesting herbs as sometimes plants will come to me in a session very strongly. After the first 2 sessions you can book further follow ups if you feel called.

During our second session (45 min) we will review my recommendations via a detailed nourishment guide that I created just for you! You will have the option to book additional follow up sessions if you feel called to.

Custom Medicine

I have been making custom organic infusions, oils and tincture blends for clients over the years for those who ask. After our two sessions we can discuss if this is something you would like to add on.

What is Ayurveda?

“Ayurveda is a profound science of living that encompasses the whole of life and relates the life of an individual to the life of the universe. It is a holistic system of healing in the truest sense”

— Vasant LAD, B.A.M. & S., M.A.Sc.

“Ayurveda is a 5,000 plus year old holistic system of healing with its origins based in India. Ayurveda translates to the “knowledge of life”. Ayurveda provides healing and preventative support to the mind, body and spirit. As a medical science Ayurveda’s main purpose is to provide healing so that we are able to maintain long and purposeful lives. Ayurveda practices and guidance are based on living in harmony with the seasons and the elements which make up the 3 doshas.”

— Ayurvedic Institute

What clients are saying

Hannah Thurston, Boulder CO

“When I first started working with Rachel last fall, I was just starting to take an interest in Ayurveda. I have been following a more natural and holistic approach to my health for about 7 years (starting when I found out about my auto immune disease, hoshimotos) and was interested in going a little deeper by working with someone who’s values are in alignment with mine. Rachel has been such a light and has so much wisdom to offer. I have learned so much from her about how to manage my autoimmune disease symptoms though food and herbs. 

Rachel put together a personalized Ayurvedic food & lifestyle guide for me to follow and I have really noticed a change in how I feel both physically and mentally when I am following this from my diet down to the little daily rituals. I have been following mostly a paleo diet for the past 7 years, eating what I thought was clean and healthy but it was interesting while I was eating well, I wasn’t eating the right things for my constitution which was why I wasn’t feeling as good as I could be. Rachel guided me toward a more intuitive approach to eating and taught me how to really connect and listening to my body. We also have done some distant reiki work. I had never done reiki before and was just so amazed at this type of energy work. I have also participated in Rachel’s full moon group reiki sessions which feel very powerful. Before we start our sessions, she always pulls a tarot card to read at the end, it has always felt relevant to something going on in my life at that time. I love working with Rachel and think she would be wonderful to work with for anyone who is currently on a health journey or is interested in beginning one.”

Wai’ala Ahn, Hawai’i Island, HI

“Working with Rachel through her various offerings has been utterly life changing! The wisdom she bestows is the most empowering service in healing, nutrition, self care and so much more that I have every experienced. Each appointment I felt a positive change and shift in both my body and spirit. Being given tangle practices catered to my unique lived experience and history, provided impactful and immediate change. Rachel’s ability to communicate to all parts of one’s self, through reiki and nourish the spirit flows harmoniously with the nourishment of the body through her recommended Ayurvedic practices - that she so intently and throughly offers in a complete guide of health, and self that has become a bible to me since receiving. It allows me the knowledge and ability to further my health journey and its progress - as well as reset and recenter as needed. The opportunity to work with Rachel is one that I will always treasure; and sing her praises for the whole self health and empowerment she graciously offers. Me ke aloha Rachel for your service to others and the offerings you share.”

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